Green Hydrogen

360°KAS awarded for largest renewable hydrogen plant

Recently, 360°KAS has been awarded for the engineering of an analyser package for the largest renewable hydrogen plant of Europe. Our innovative team is responsible for the design, construction and supply of this project.

The new plant will be built in the Port of Rotterdam. The new 200 MW electrolyser Hydrogen plant will produce 60.000 kg Hydrogen per day. It will use solar and wind energy for its production. The Hydrogen plant helps our largest customer in Rotterdam to become more sustainable. A dedicated hydrogen pipeline connects the plant with the Port of Rotterdam and its hydrogen customers.

The analyser package includes several analyser systems for pH/Conductivity/H2/N2/O2/H2O and TOC analysis with associated sampling systems.

We are very proud of being part of the energy transition, helping and aiming to a zero emission climate and clean future.


360KAS Green Hydrogen