Our Intelligent Quality Reporting Module (iQRM®) is able to generate an undisputable Certificate of Quality (CoQ) at the end of each LNG (un)loading batch. During LNG cargo transfer, the quality of the natural gas transferred between the parties is an important parameter for the settlement of the transaction. The iQRM® closes the gap in the traceability chain from PGC measurement to the actual quality reporting of fluid deliveries.
Accuracy is guaranteed via both automated PGC validation and statistical analysis of the validation. Integrating the iQRM® with one of our LNG sampling systems provides a single quality measurement system. As a result, the system generates a fully traceable CoQ to prove the contractual quality of a delivery. Another key point is the friendly user interface, both on the device itself as via integrated webpages.
We typically supply an iQRM in combination with:
- A sample take-off assembly
- A LNG probe and vaporiser/accumulator system like the CryoSamp (> 0.7 barg) or our solution for higher line pressures (> 2.5 barg);
- A LNG Sampling System
- Sample transport lines
360°KAS has a long track record in the development and design of Continuous and Intermittent LNG Sampling Systems since 1994. Additionally, the systems are in compliance with both the ISO 8943 and the ISO 10715 as well as the guidelines stipulated in the GIIGNL.
Please download our LNG brochure for more information. In case you have any queries regarding this topic, kindly contact us via +31 (0)85 303 23 00 or
- Guaranteed accuracy via automated PGC validation and statistical analysis of the validation;
- No human interference to calculate quality (CV) results;
- Result are faster available leading to cost saving;
- 150 PGC measurements can be stored for one CoQ;
- User-friendly interface via touch screen user interface.