Cooperation AP2E
360°KAS is qualified as partner by Durag Group for advising, supplying and servicing AP2E gas analysis systems. Especially our experience with Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems (CEMS) in combination with our international footprint was…

Remote Services
The 360°KAS Life Cycle Service Management program covers all the services necessary to maintain and operate your systems safe and accurate from initial start-up till controlled end of life cycle. As part of this program the following services…

Training Analyser Houses & Shelters
With our roots going back to 1974, 360°KAS has a long history in providing packaged analyser solutions for various industrial production processes worldwide. We share this 45 years of experience via a training that focusses on the various considerations…

New Projects – Analyser & Sampling Systems
We are pleased to announce that 360°KAS has been awarded a number of analyser & sampling system projects, among them the supply of two trace O2 analyser systems, two pH and conductivity analyser systems, two (2) retractable pH analyser…

Success Story on Applied Analytics Analyzers
Recently 360°KAS was awarded for the supply of two UV analyzers, model OMA-300, for a FPSO project within a major oil company. 360°KAS is the exclusive solution partner for the sale and service of Applied Analytics products in Belgium, Netherlands…

Successful Delivery – Slurry Catalyst Feeder Unit
In August 2019, 360°KAS was awarded by a Chinese EPC company for the supply of an Ex-proof Slurry Catalyst Feeder unit to a petrochemical company in Saudi Arabia. This slurry catalyst feeder injects fine (powder like) solid catalyst into a…

Total Sulphur Measurement in Biodiesel
Recently our service team successfully commissioned an XOS analyzer system measuring Total Sulfur in bio diesel at the Malchin production location of ecoMotion GmbH, Germany. EcoMotion is a leading company for the production of bio fuels with…

Applied Analytics Distributor Agreement for the BENELUX
360KAS B.V. and Applied Analytics, Inc. (AAI) are pleased to announce an agreement making 360°KAS the exclusive solution partner for the sale and service of Applied Analytics products in Belgium, Netherlands and Luxembourg (BeNeLux).

New Office & Workshop
Per the 1st of September 2019 both 360°KAS office and workshop will be located at the Graanweg 6A, 4782 PP Moerdijk, The Netherlands. We hope to welcome you at our new facilities to celebrate the grand opening together with our anniversary:…

An Introduction into our Ex SWAS Solutions
Boilers are one of the most fundamental systems of a plant: they produce steam out of water to power turbines for electric generating equipment. Boilers are part of a closed loop system where the water is recirculated throughout the system.…